Sai Ram Dear National Presidents (USA, WI, and Canada)
Please see the email below from Dr. Vini Raman, SSSGC-USA, President, Region 3 about the upcoming SSSGC Q/A session with our own Zone 1 Chair, Dr. Axay Kalathia. Kindly make a note and attend the program.
Time: 6 P.M EST


From: Yeshesvini (Vini) Raman <“>>;
Subject: The Road Ahead Towards Swami-SSSGC Q/A

Sairam Presidents and Group Leads,

Hope that with our Divine Bhagavan’s Grace everyone is doing well.
We are extremely fortunate to have on this Sunday, our very own, Dr. Axay Kalathia, Chair Zone1 SSSGC in conversation about SSSGC- Structure, Stability, and Future of its current operations.
Please join us and forward this email to all officers and devotees to watch as Dr. Axay talks about Swami’s Divine and Loving Grace upon us through Sri Sathya Sai Global Council-USA.
Time: 6 P.M EST
Please let me know if I can be of any service to you.
Always at His service,
Vini Raman,

SSSGC-USA, President- Region 3

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