With the blessings of our Beloved Bhagawan, we are launching a new video series to study Swami’s Padyams(Poems) – Sri Sathya Sai Padyamrutham – Divine Elixir of Poety from Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Swami has blessed us with innumerable Padyams(Poems) which are typically part of His Divine Discourses and this video series is a humble endeavor to remind ourselves the significance of Swami's Nectarine Poems and the meaning therein, thus helping to sanctify our lives.
The link to the first episode of this series is here →
where a Padyam from the Divine Discourse during Summer Course 2000 is taken up.
The Description of the video contains the following information :
Telugu Text and Transliteration of the Padyam.
Link for full Audio of the discourse.
Link for the translation of the Divine Discourse.
We hope and pray that Bhagawan blesses us all to understand and appreciate these Padyams.
Jai Sai Ram