Sai Ram Dear National Presidents,
With Swami’s grace, we’ve received very good response to this initiative. The registration date has been extended to February 9, 2022.

Please share the updated information with all the members:
  1. Please see the attached updated flyer
  2. Class timing: 2nd and 4th Saturdays of February through June, 2022 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM ET
  3. Teaser video:

From: Axay Kalathia <;
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2022 7:29 PM
To: Balu Karanam <;; <;; Krishna Ramoutar <;
Subject: Launch of Sri Sathya Sai Awareness Course


Sai Ram Dear National Presidents,


Please forward this amazing opportunity to all members: 


How many of us wish we had the opportunity to be a student at the Sri Sathya Sai University?  With Swami’s grace and the efforts of the SSSGC Zone 1 Educational Programs Committee, both Young Adults and Seniors now have the chance to participate in a course modeled after the most important course required for all Sai Students:  The Sri Sathya Sai Awareness Course. This 10-week practical, interactive course will delve into the heart of Swami’s teachings, starting with God is, then I am I, and culminating with Love All, Serve All. Discussions will center around practical day to day issues or challenges we face in our daily lives. Eminent leaders in the Sai Community will be guest presenters and facilitators. Small breakout groups will ensure inclusion, intimate participation, and in-depth analysis. The course will culminate with a ceremony and certificates will be presented in Prasanthi Nilayam at the Holy Maha Samadhi. 


To enroll, please fill out the registration form using the link provided in the attached flyer.  Traveling to the ashram for the Pathway to Prasanthi Pilgrimage is encouraged, but not required for participants, as certificates can be placed at the Maha Samadhi on their behalf if they are unable to travel and attend the ceremony. 


In the Loving Service of Sai,


Dr. Raja Rao

Chair, SSSGC Zone 1 Educational Programs Committee

Sai Ram,
Sai Sravan

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