Loving Sai Ram,


SSSGC-Canada held its first Nagarsankirthan offering on September 4, 2023 as a saadhana for Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Centennial Birthday on November 23rd, 2025. This event was held at Milliken Park, Toronto, Canada. Going forward, we will be continuing this saadhana every long weekend, except in the winter months.


The next session will be on October 9th, 2023 at Milliken Park – 6:00 AM EST. 


We would like to share that many devotees took part in this offering, singing the glory of His name in the early morning hours. Fellow onlookers, taking their morning stroll, mentioned that the singing was pleasing and even took recordings of the session. Infact, there was a young student that landed in Toronto, Canada on August 25th, who mentioned that his mother from India saw the flyer for this event on Facebook, and informed him about it, leading him to take two buses to reach this event.  


Nagarsankirthan allows us to spread HIS name, HIS glory and HIS teachings, purifying the person and the atmosphere.


We encourage all devotees and SSSE children to participate in this sacred Sadana to feel inner peace and happiness.


Please see the attached pictures for some captures of this event. 


ThanksGiving Day Food Drive :


Additionally, the seva team of SSSGC Canada has organized a food drive on the same day, October 9th, 2023. Given the current shortage at the foodbank and Thanksgiving day, this is an opportunity to express our gratitude to the Lord. We kindly request you to bring non-perishable food items and drop them off in Milliken Park, parking lot before or after Nagarsankeerthana. Volunteers will be available to assist you.
Collection Location : Milliken Park
Items collected : Non-Perishable Food Items
Jai Sai Ram




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