Our work is guided by the principles of ‘Love All, Serve All” and “Help Ever, Hurt Never” as demonstrated by Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This includes, demonstrating, practicing, and propagating the five human values of Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love, and Non-violence that are common to all cultures and religions.
Sai Ram Dear National Presidents,
Please pass on this message to members regarding SSSGC Humanitarian Relief efforts along with the formation of an SSSGC affiliated nonprofit entity that is aligned with Prasanth Nilayam:
Sai Ram Dear SSSGC Family,
With collaboration of SSSGC centers in our Zone, along with Zones around the world working closely with the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, several initiatives have been ongoing since our formation:
- Supply delivery to Hurricane Ida victims in the fall of 2021
- Ukraine food and supply delivery with collaboration of SSSGC UK with subsequent delivery to Ukraine refugees
- Sri Lanka food and supply delivery
- Sri Lanka medication and medical supply procurement and delivery
- Purchase of 2 mobile ambulances with coordination from the SSSGC UK for helping transport war victims in eastern Europe
With Swami’s Grace and Blessings, the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council Foundation (SSSGCF), which is a nonprofit 501 (C)(3) legal corporation, has been registered and granted tax exempt status by the IRS in the USA. This foundation, along with the SSSGC of Trinidad and Tobago registered nonprofit, and Canadian SSSGC center nonprofits, will greatly enhance our ability to support service projects within our zone, other zones around the world, as well as in India with coordination with the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. The following website gives further details:
Please contact our Humanitarian Relief Chair, Mr. Rajen Ghayal at righayal@gmail.com regarding participation in any of the above initiatives as well as upcoming future projects.
In Sai’s Service,
Dr. Axay Shanti Kalathia
Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC), Zone 1 Chair